
Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm in New York, It's Thursday

New York hasn't been short of adventure, that's for sure. I was hit two days ago by a whirlwind of of technological disasters. The first wasn't really technological, but it was a minor disaster. Between catching the L train in the morning to the city, walking around the financial district, chilling in Battery Park, finding my way north up to China Town and Little Italy and then into Soho before heading onto Greenwich Villiage...I lost my Metrocard. My 30 day Metrocard which I had only bought the previous day. Which cost $76. My feet were in no position to stomp home so I bit the bullet and bought another one. I should say something about Metrocards before I carry on documenting my technological disasters. Metrocards are really hard to swipe. With Oyster you just hit it near the sensor and voila! you're in. Metrocards need to be swiped lengthwise to access the turnstile. I've learnt that it's all about the motion, following it through, believing in yourself, being confident. You need to focus but it needs to be natural. I'm getting there - I've had a run of three first times today.

The technlogical problems are that my UK>US plug adaptor does not convert voltage and so all my various chargers are unable to work. This leaves me phone-battery-less and needing to by batteries for my camera shortly. The final technlogical blunder is that the lens protector on my camera is not closing properly. Canon will be getting a strongly worded letter on my return. So it's really not all that bad, it just means I have to be more selective with my snapping and take more care to protect my lens in the short term.

Last night Deborah and I went to see Bright Eyes at the NY Town Hall. It was his fourth of seven dates there and at each of the three dates he had had special guests on stage - Lou Reed, Ben Kweller, Norah Jones and Jenny Lewis. Halfway through Conor announced our special guest...NICK ZINNER OF YYYS. Deborah and I squealed! And got over our respective jetlags. And then Maria Taylor (of Azure Ray and also Conor's girlfriend) came out. And when we thought it was all over in terms of surprises BEN GIBBARD of DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE and POSTAL SERVICE came out to sing We Will Become Silhouettes, 4.05 and I Will Follow You Into The Dark! And then everyone came back on for a crazy encore. It was the best Bright Eyes gig I've ever been to - and it was nice to come out feeling elated rather than a bit depressed. It goes to show how much has changed over these past few years. D and I are also going again tonight and have row A seats. We are excitedly guessing who the secret guest(s?) will be.

posted by Unknown at 5/31/2007 10:29:00 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great show, hopefully some good audio and video surface.


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