Tuesday, March 13, 2007
What's up with Miss Jackson?
With only two weeks of teaching left of my academic career and finals and deadlines approaching, my blogging drive is somewhat lacking. Nevertheless, I present to you The Long Blondes at the Astoria. Almost a month ago. When I saw them at the Mean Fiddler in October I left happy that they were getting big and sad, as I felt that they had compromised a bit of integrity to be a bit sluttier. I left their biggest ever headline show at the Astoria squashed but elated. I'd been worrying it was fizzling out for them when the epic Giddy Stratospheres failed to get in the Top 30. But the crowd went mad for them, everyone was singing the lyrics back at Kate with as much attitude as she was giving out. I felt that the gig was some kind of transition. Confident, assured, arena-style lighting and stage set up, glitter balls everywhere, they emphasised the Blondie-esque disco moments more than before, with epic-disco B-side Five Ways To End It taking pole position as the second last song to be played.
More than ever Kate was singled out as the focal point of the band. In fact, for most of the gig there was hardly any lighting on Emma, Reenie, Screech and Dorian who are all every bit as cool as Kate. I guess they're going for the classic iconic frontperson idea, which is fine, but it seems a shame to have the others in the background. Anyway, that tour pretty much marked the end of promoting UK releases from Someone To Drive You Home and the LBs will be focusing their energies on the rest of Europe this Spring. Hop over to their MySpace for the dates.
I'm seeing them tommorow, i'm so excited!