Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Love is all you need
It's a rare occurrence these days that I like a band for ages before I get to see them live. Usually I'll find out about a band and then they'll play somewhere near me pretty soon after. Or I'll take a chance and see a band live before I hear them properly and it pays off. With Sweden's Love Is All, however, I'd waited almost a year to see them live, listening to their fantastic 30 minute debut album, Nine Times That Same Song to death ever since a friend sent me an mp3 of Make Out Fall Out Make Up. Last night they played at Trash as not-so-secret special guests. The place was rammed, though a fair proportion of the kids there were too busy thinking that looking moody made them look cool (wrong: it just makes you look moody) to dance to LIA's undeniable freak-out party songs. I danced, and I will again tonight when I see them at Kings College playing with Tilly and the Wall.
Singer, Josephine, is not your typical Scandi-queen, she's short with a mousey brown barnet - in fact, Love Is All, to all extents and purposes, do not sound or look like a Scandanavian band, but that's another story. She's a super frontwoman, energetic and a little crazy, but not overly sexual like CSS' Lovefoxxx. But Love Is All are all about their constituent parts, rather than a figurehead, as reflected by the production of the album, where all instruments (including vocals) are on fairly equal levels and it's more about the overall impact. They are all key players in the live show, the saxophones, the fuzzy guitars, they keys, the pounding rhythms, the sexy bass...it felt like a tidle wave of electricity. So I'm very much looking forward to tonight. Pictures to come later this week when I get the chance.
Album review I did for Wears The Trousers, whose Issue Four is now available to download.