
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Polka-dots Are Everyone's Best Friend

They've done it! My little new favourite band from April 2005 have finally brought their debut album out. That's right! The Pipettes could have gone either way - to indie obscurity, playing Barfly after Barfly to learing boys in leather jackets - or to pop superstardom, dressing rooms, record contracts, top 40 singles. Luckily fate would have it that they would follow the latter path and here they are, doing instores at HMV, playing Camden Town's magnificent Koko in September and finally getting to live their dream of making a Phil Spector-esque wall-of-sound glory of an album with its lush strings and layerings. Compared to their lovely tinny 7"s it's another world and a bit of that DIY charm is lost under the glossiness, but subsequent listens convince me that this is their calling and they have executed it with finesse. Their album, We Are The Pipettes is OUT NOW in the UK, so go and buy it. It will be out in the rest of Europe on 14th August, and 11th August in Germany.

To celebrate here's a selection of photos from some old gigs:
the ica, london, 25th april 2005
barfly, london, 9th may 2005
tuffnell park boston arms, london, 8th august 2005
mean fiddler, london, 4th march 2006

And the original version of Judy for your downloading pleasure:

posted by Unknown at 7/19/2006 12:57:00 am


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