Monday, July 17, 2006
Did you know there's another band called the Horrors?
When I was in first year at university I stayed in a horrible halls of residence. It was called Ramsay Hall and was just off Tottenham Court Road. The place was full of home-counties-hussies and public-school rugger buggers. I hated them and their arrogance and loud garage music. But I found a good few nice people with good music taste in there and could enjoy being so central in a city with so much to offer. One of those folk was Josh who is now a guitarist in London's second( ...tune in in a few days to find out who's the most exciting) most exciting new band, The Horrors, a meticulously dressed bunch of 'orrors who met hanging out in seedy indie-clubs in fair-Londontown. Their music is dark and brutal, sleazy and sinister - they have a song called Jack The Ripper after all!
The good people at Vice have taken a liking for the fivesome and brought them over to Berlin for the Vice Germany's first birthday party. It was a riot and Rio thanks to the free bar and the free, excellent bands. Singer, Faris, stalked the stage, his hair covering his face, his chilling screams not to deterring the party people from dancing. Their live set was blistering and delivered with much more feeling than I could have imagined. Their backlash started as soon as they formed; "another urchin band", "style over substance", blah blah blah. But these guys mean it and a live show will convince any doubters of that. Josh told us after the show about their show with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs who had hand-picked them to play their show at the Forum in London, saying that Nick Zinner was interested in working with them. Now there's a good sign if there ever was one.
They are playing White Heat Scotland later this week with The Low Miffs who are absolutely brilliant and whose singer, Leo Condie, was in my year at school. So if you are in Edinburgh or Glasgow you totally have to the glub (it's the new word for a gig/club, pass it on!) and wear an "I know Robbie" T-shirt. Or not. Some of my pictures from Vice Party craziness can be seen here and here.
That's the best picture I've ever seen of Faris