Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Yeah Yeah Yeah
18 months to the day since they last played London, Yeah Yeah Yeahs were back at the Kentish Town Forum for the fifth time, sold out, as ever. They wer eon absolutely top form - they always give a good show, but you can sometimes tell if they're not feeling it. A flick over to a diary Nick Zinner kept on their mini-tour at the beginning of the year shows clearly the band's perfectionist tendencies and their acute awareness of what constitutes a good performance. I reckon they will have been celebrating last night, although, each further YYYs show I see, the crazier the audience is = the more security they need, and the harder it is for the band to connect with the fans. Karen O is a warm performer - lots of eye contact, pointing, smiling, which isn;t quite as effective when there's 40 bouncers between you and the band. But it's certainly better that way, seeing as a lot of people who go to YYYs gigs in London are idiots with sharp elbows. Which is why I'm going to be standing at the side or the back at tonight's show, so I can just enjoy seeing my favourite band play, rather than worry about my life/camera/ribs/etc.