Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I'd rather be in Tokyo
I'd been waiting what feels like years, and probably is, to see Belle and Sebastian live. An embarrassing admission considering I lived in Scotland from 1996 - 2003. Some bands you just have to be a little bit older to appreciate fully, to afford those student clichees of listening to the Smiths, Belle and Sebastian, wearing over-sized jumpers and drinking lots of sugary tea. The latter two, luckily, do not apply to me. The band played Hamburg's Grosse Freiheit 36, deep in the city's infamous red light district to an eager (and compared to Britain, small) crowd. The set comprised about 40% from this year's The Life Pursuit, and 60% from every other album, including quite a few rarities. With such a huge back-catalogue, you'd think it'd be hard to keep everyone satisfied, but the band are clear veterans of the road and know exactly where the balance lies. I'm already looking forward to the Berlin show on 21st May. But not as much as YYYs tonight in London, woop!