Friday, December 03, 2004
Negativity Rules!
It’s not often that Abstractboy likes to post nasty things about people/bands. There are so many bands right now that are just so good…some are getting the attention they deserve, while many others make the most wonderful music imaginable and never get a single bit of press. Sleeping States, however, just won a demo competition on and a mention I-D magazine – you read about them here first! But let us go back to negativity! NME are generally understood to be able to make bands’ careers - whether this is true or not is subject to debate. But this is a very real threat.
The Black Velvets are one of the worst bands I’ve ever seen. When Abstractboy was on tour with Stellastarr* (headlining) and the Killers earlier this year, they were the opening act. They play a band of cock rock that is just unimaginable. They are your average scally lads, bad hair, tight jeans, unwashed, smelly, drunken. I had the misfortune of seeing them pissed up, like an alcoholic rugby team, singing drunken songs and mock fighting. It could have been worse – the Killers had to share a dressing room with them! After the tour finished, Stellastarr* and the Killers breathed a sigh of relief and we all thought we’d never hear of them again.
Until yesterday. There was a full page article in NME proclaiming to be The Great Hopes for 2005. The band (I’m sure they had a translator in with them) even said that they are "what rock bands were invented for" and gave me the brilliant quote "In Liverpool, all we do is go out and drink, every single night, like". It is so worrying that they probably will have all the success that they really don't deserve. At a time when Bloc Party, Selfish Cunt, the Rakes, Babyshambles and so many other bands are making exciting music that is devoid of all that laddish, primitive cockrocking dirge that really tainted 2003, is it really necessary to have this sort of misogynist unintelligble schmindie-disco fodder being pushed? But with the baggy revival in full swing, courtesy of the equally dreadful and base Kasabian, it looks as though Madleicester is here to stay for a bit longer. Shit.
You have been warned. The Black Velvets are terrible. Don't believe NME. (But if you do buy NME this week you will see a small picture of Abstractboy and Karen O on page 21).