Saturday, June 05, 2004
A Departure
This is (hopefully) The First Blog Entry On The Departure...Ever! "The Departure?", the readership of four asks. The Departure are a very new band. So new that you can still smell the sudocream on their fresh faces. Abstractboy saw them for the first time at the Mean Fiddler in support of the Killers. This was only their 20th gig and they only formed in January 2004. To be playing to 1000 people on your 20th gig is really quite something. and to play very well is something else!
Their sound is akin to that of New York's Radio 4 or Gang of Four with a twist of regional British accents like that of Brett Anderson from Suede, or something. But anyway, their music makes you want to dance like no other rock disco before. You can't help it. First it's the feet, then the bums and suddenly the whole body is moving. Angular guitar riffs, funky basslines and incendiary beats (and not a synthesiser in sight!) provide the basis for this thoroughly interesting Britsh band. They have a single "All Mapped Out" which comes out on 19th July. This is definitely worth buying, even if it just to ebay off at a later date - they have recently signed to Parlophone and will be certainly going places.
And goshgosh, they were certainly better than the other support act for the Killers; Surferosa are possibly the most annoying band that Abstractboy has ever seen. Worse than Gary Glitter, yes. The singer, Mariann, gave the performance of an over-eager, poor man's Gwen Stefani-Karen O clone, attempting to work the crowd as though it was a triumphant homecoming set. Which it clearly wasn't. She also knocked off Abstractboy's glasses. Bitch.