Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Things could change for you as well
2004 is looking pretty good so far. Abstractboy will be travelling round Europe for 5 weeks in the summer, the Killers have arrived, and, well Franz Ferdinand are ok, but really...2003, y'know. If you like them this year then you are so behind. But it really is looking set to be a rather good year for music, adventures, stuff (apparently some other things do exist).
But one thing that is really going to send a bolt of electricity through Abstractboy's 2004 is the return of the Faint. The Faint are a really great great band, hailing from Omaha, Nebraska and signed to the cripplingly cool Saddle-Creek (because labels do matter), they made brilliant electronic music before there was ever the fashionartfasion concept of electroclash (R.I.P.), they were looking to the 80s for inspiration before H&M and frankly they outlived the Shoreditch Twat (R.I.P.).
So why are they still here when Kashpoint (R.I.P.) and co., well, aren't?
The fact that they were never tied to a fashion movement and made this music on their own accord in a scene far removed from anything that may make you jaded speaks volumes. Furthermore, they actually say something. Their lyrics are laced with abstract ideas, ranging from the suicidal mundanity of 9-5 life (Agenda Suicide), to the haunting story of saving a drowning child in a swimming pool (Ballad of a Paralysed Citizen), and they even dabble in politics (the Conductor - you've probably heard the Thin White Duke Remix - control control control). In fact, the next album looks set to dabble a lot more in politics. It could even become a fully blown habit.
On their last tour they played two tracks off the forthcoming album, one called "Paranoiaattack", which involved a chant of 'Paranoia' and was pretty much about the FEAR and PARANOIA running through America, and the fantastic 'Take Me to the Hospital' (which you can get on the Saddle Creek 50 compilation), which seems to be about that really stupid health insurance business they have on the other side of the Pond. Such deeply affecting themes, executed in such an eloquent, abstract and beautiful manner is surely going to keep them relevant for a good while yet.
They almost cracked the UK market with their last release (and definitely Step 1 in your Get Into The Faint Programme), Danse Macabre, so here's to hoping 2004 will see them get the recognition they deserve.
Don't forget to danse.
FREE (no, really) LEGAL (ditto) MP3s (seriously) HERE