Sunday, May 09, 2004
No Regrets?
No, this isn't actually an entry about that Robbie Williams song 'No Regrets'. Sorry.
Abstractboy doesn't have too many regrets really - probably because he isn't that stupid. But when he does do regretful things, they seem to happen on even ages. At 14 he did a very stupid thing and boy does he regret that. At 16 he did two more stupid things - one more regretful than the other.
At 18 though, Abstractboy made his two biggest mistakes ever. It all took place at Reading Festival. Abstractboy takes particular pride in the bands he has seen, but feels this list could have been greatly improved had he actually been thinking. Both of these mistakes were made on Friday evening. Instead of seeing the wonderful Ladytron, he saw the positively dire Darkness. It seemed like a funny idea at the time. You know, go see them for a THIRD time, of course it would still be funny. Well, it wasn't. And on the way to get food he heard the Ladytron set finishing. The synthesisers of pure evil, the icy vocals, the crowd of cool-kids-who-knew-better-than-to-see-the-darkness cheering the triumphant set. Oh, how silly he was.
But the worst mistake was yet to come. Abstractboy thought it'd be fun to see Placebo again, having already seen them twice that year already (it was only because the Faint were supporting, honest). At this very moment, he was missing the magnificent Interpol raise the roof off the Radio 1 tent with their chilling, winter Manhattan epics. This is really the stupidest thing Abstractboy has ever done. It's also annoying because Placebo were rather boring too. Not that that should have been a surprise.
Oh well, it looks like Interpol and Ladytron will be back in the Autumn. So it isn't so bad really.