Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Driving in your car, I never never want to go home...
Abstractboy is definitely not a carperson. There really isn't a need. He has always lived in a city, he is always going to live in a city. And he probably won't ever have enough money. Besides, public transport isn't really that bad. It's really rather good in London, despite everyone moaning about it alllllll the time.
But every now and then, Abstractboy gets these cravings. The cravings really started when he saw Gwen Stefani of No Doubt driving her and Gavin's BMW X5 just by Primrose Hill. It was definitely a phwoar moment. Not just because Gwen is a bit fit (for a girl, anyway), but the car, the car...the face of a BMW, with the bulk of a jeep. An altogether FIT car. On a family holiday in Portugal, Abstractboy's family once rented a BMW. It was so nice. It purred (but not as nicely as the Jaguar XJ8 they had until recently) like a real feline. It was so smooth. And spacious.
But combine that with the testosterone and aggression of a jeep. Oh my. Abstractboy has seen many of these sexy beasts cruising the Marylebone Road, navigating the narrow one way systems of Fitzrovia. Blacked out windows, black metallic paint.
Sadly, the people in them are never that cool. They usually driven by faux-gangsters [got it imported on the cheap from germany, man, innit] and fat businessmen who have a big car to compensate for their lack of somethingelse. So this really does ruin the whole mystique and sexsexsex of the BMW X5. This is good really. Abstractboy knows that if he ever ever ever has enough $$$ for sexonwheels, he will probably be old and look like a bit of a prat driving in it. So he'll have £50,000. Which is good, of course.
Besides, he can't drive anyway.